Dec 3, 2023

Navigating Special Education in Indiana: Understanding Developmental Delays and Intellectual Disabilities

In the realm of special education, understanding the nuances between developmental delays and intellectual disabilities is crucial for effectively supporting children with diverse learning needs. While both conditions can impact a child's learning and development, they have distinct characteristics and eligibility criteria for special education services.

Developmental Delay: A Time-Bound Category

Developmental delay refers to a delay in one or more developmental areas, such as gross or fine motor skills, cognitive development, language development, social or emotional development, or self-help skills. This delay typically occurs before the age of nine and is characterized by a significant difference between the child's developmental level and their peers of the same age.

In the state of Indiana, the developmental delay category is solely for students who are at least three (3) years of age and less than nine (9) years of age. This age range is outlined in the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) Section 511 IAC 7-41-6 Developmental delay (early childhood).

Children with developmental delays may exhibit challenges in areas such as:

Learning and retaining new information
Communicating effectively
Developing social skills and interactions
Coordinating fine motor movements
Intellectual Disability: A Lifelong Condition

An intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. Intellectual functioning refers to a person's cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. Adaptive behavior encompasses skills needed for daily life, such as communication, self-care, and social interactions.

Intellectual disabilities are typically identified before the age of 18 and can range in severity from mild to severe. Individuals with intellectual disabilities may experience challenges in areas such as:

Acquiring and applying academic skills
Understanding and following complex instructions
Managing personal finances and maintaining a household
Interacting appropriately in social situations

Distinguishing Between the Two Conditions

While developmental delays and intellectual disabilities share some similarities, they are distinct conditions with different eligibility criteria for special education services.

Developmental Delays:

Eligibility is determined by a multidisciplinary team using a variety of assessments.
Delays are typically present in one or two developmental areas.
Services focus on addressing specific areas of delay and supporting overall development.
Eligibility is limited to students between the ages of three (3) and nine (9) years old.

Intellectual Disabilities:

Eligibility is determined by a multidisciplinary team using a comprehensive evaluation.
Intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior are significantly below average.
Services focus on developing lifelong skills and promoting independence.
No specific age range is specified for eligibility.
The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is crucial for both developmental delays and intellectual disabilities. Early identification and support can significantly improve a child's developmental trajectory and long-term outcomes.

If you have concerns about your child's development, it is essential to consult with a qualified professional for an evaluation. Early intervention can make a profound difference in their life.


Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) Section 511 IAC 7-41-6 Developmental delay (early childhood)
Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) Section 511 IAC 7-41-3 Intellectual disability

Nov 28, 2023

Sensory Santa Brings Joy to Ruffcut Ministries

Ruffcut Ministries was filled with holiday cheer as Santa Claus made a special appearance. The event, known as Sensory Santa, was designed to be a calming and sensory-friendly space for children to experience the holiday season. During the event, children had the chance to spend some quality time with Santa in a relaxed atmosphere, where they could share their Christmas wishes, snap a photo, and participate in fun crafts. Parents were delighted with the event's success, as it provided their children with a rare opportunity to enjoy a sensory-friendly Santa visit. Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc. is excited to host another Sensory Santa event on December 2nd at Sugar Creek Christian Church in Washington County, Indiana. We are offering several open visit times for families with children who may need a calmer environment. Don't miss out on registering your child today by visiting

Nov 12, 2023

The Magic of Sensory Santa


The Magic of Sensory Santa

In the fall of 2015, a group of families in French Lick, Indiana, gathered to discuss their experiences raising children with disabilities. They shared their stories of trying to have their children meet Santa Claus, and how difficult it could be in a crowded and noisy environment.

One mother, whose son had autism, shared her idea for a local "sensory-friendly" Santa event, where children with sensory sensitivities could meet Santa in a calm and supportive environment. The other families were thrilled with the idea, and the wheels started to turn.

That December, the first Sensory Santa event was held at Moores Ridge Church in French Lick. It was a small event, but it was a huge success. Families from all over the area came to meet Santa in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Over the next few years, the Sensory Santa event grew in popularity. The organizers, a group of dedicated volunteers, started a non-profit organization called Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc., to support the event and other programs for children with disabilities.

This year, Sensory Santa events will be held at two locations in southern Indiana:

November 25th at Ruff Cut Ministries in Mitchell, Indiana

December 2nd at Sugar Creek Christian Church in Campbellsburg, Indiana

The events are free for all families, and include a variety of sensory-friendly accommodations, such as dimmed lights, soft music, and noise-canceling headphones. Children will also be able to meet Santa and take a free photo with him.

The Sensory Santa event is a special tradition for many families in the area. It is a chance for children with disabilities to experience the magic of Christmas in a way that is safe and comfortable for them.

If you are interested in learning more about Sensory Santa 2023 please visit

May 6, 2023

Orleans Dogwood Parade 2023

 Thank you Billy Chaplin for helping with the float. Ruth and Greg for the autism matters sign.. We are lined up next to the blue tent by the high school waiting to start the parade.

Update: Thank you to everyone that helped to make taking part in the parade possible. The kids had fun and we got to get the new autism rate of 1 in 36 children shared over the PA system as we passed the bandstand. Thank Walmart Paoli Old National Bank for your support.
Thank Orleans Chamber of Commerce & Orleans Dogwood Festival for doing the Dogwood Festival.

Paoli Pals Kick Off Season with a Bang!

  Paoli Pals Kick Off Season with a Bang! The Paoli Pals League had their first fall game of 2024 on Saturday, September 7th, and it was a h...