Jun 13, 2022

Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc. Summer Newsletter

Community Inclusion Ambassadors Inc.
Phone: (812) 329-0216 Email: Info@ourcia.org

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Summer Park Outing 2022
July 23rd at the Red Cross Cabin In Spring Mill State Park 
Our family area will open at 10am and will close at 6pm families are invited to use this area as a break or rest area as they enjoy the park.  We are planning some craft activities, games, and snacks throughout the day for families at the Red Cross Cabin.  
We do ask that all families planning to attend please Sign-up at https://forms.gle/rCYtxq2NNCMnkCKF9

Board Nominations
We will be opening board self nominations in July at the park outing. This is for any Parent or family member over 18 that is active in coming to our events that would like to participate on the governing board. Our Board serves as leadership of our programs and develops us to better help families in our area. 
Self Nomination forms and online form will be open from July 23rd to November 1st. 
Families will vote in board members in December during Sensory Santa events. 

2021-2022 Parent Survey for School Quality 
As the 2021-2022 school year comes to a close we are doing a parent survey to help guide our special education advocacy team as they plan for next school year. Your responses can help us identify concerns or highlight programs that are doing amazing work but not receiving the recognition they deserve .
This survey will end July 1st as we hope to have results to display at the park outing July 23rd. 
To fill out a survey please visit: https://forms.gle/owRqpe8fd8MtXq4v8

Thank you to Our Community Partners 
Walmart Paoli
Amazon SDF 8 Jeffersonville,IN
Old National Bank 
River's Edge Fellowship Church 
Community Donors 

If you would like to be removed from our Email list please Reply "STOP" to this email and we will remove your email. 


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