Sep 19, 2021

Do you know our SEMP?



Special Education Monitoring Program

Starting the 2021 -2022 school year Community Inclusion Ambassadors special education advocates will be using a SEMP to track reports of issues that are effecting students with disabilities. This new system we are hoping will help identify issues and allow the advocates to see if its a isolated issues or a systemic issues. Thus allowing the advocates to develop appropriate response plans and collect supportive data incase the issue needs referred to regulator oversight agency's. 

The Special Education Monitoring Program needs the communities help to find issues that may be occurring. We ask that if you hear of concerning issues in special education programs that you please fill out our online form so that the Special Education Advocates are alerted of the issues and can do an initial assessment of the report.  The more details you can give in your report will help the advocates in using SEMP to make meaningful changes to improve special education programs in the region. 

Anyone can send fill out our report parents, aunties and uncles, Grandparents, neighbors, youth ministers, teachers and aids, school administration.

 Issues we know are happening but need more information on ( this is not a full list of all IEP issues that could come up and we would still like to know of the issues):  
  • Bullying of students with disabilities ( By students and staff members)
  • Refusing to Evaluate a student for Special education services.
    • Requiring a parent to get a note for family doctor for ADD or ADHD before the school will evaluate a student for special education services.
  • Telling families a child is required to be on medication for ADD or ADHD to attend pubic school
  • Schools putting students on reduced days due to behaviors with no IEP goals of returning to full days.
  • Schools refusing to allow parents to have a meaningful role as a IEP team member. 
  • Schools refusing to give families Prior Written Notice (PWN
  • Schools Refusing to set IEP Meetings at a time and location that is mutually agreed upon. 
  • Schools failing to do reevaluations when its needed ( Reevaluation is to be considered every 3 years or when a parent or teacher feels its needed to help develop the IEP)
  • Special education students left on school buses alone.
  • Schools Predetermining students placement or IEP supports with out parents involvement. 
  • Schools not meeting the requirements of child find. (1)
Fill your a SEMP report form here:

(1)Child Find in Indiana Article 7: 511 IAC 7-40-1 Child find ( Sec. 1. (a) The public agency shall establish, maintain, and implement written procedures that ensure the location, identification, and evaluation of all students three (3) years of age, but less than twenty-two (22) years of age, who are in need of special education and related services, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, including students who: (1) have legal settlement within the jurisdiction of the public agency; (2) attend a nonpublic school, are served by an agency, or live in an institution located within the jurisdiction of the public agency; (3) are homeless students as defined at 511 IAC 7-32-46; (4) are wards of the state; (5) are highly mobile students, including migrant students; and (6) are suspected of being students with disabilities in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. )

Indiana Department of Education's investigation into North Lawrence Community Schools (NLCS)

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